
Michelin 2006 France: 1000 Charming Hotels and Guesthouses (Charming Places to Stay in France) Review

Michelin 2006 France: 1000 Charming Hotels and Guesthouses (Charming Places to Stay in France)
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After flipping through a multitude of guidebooks on places to stay in France I found that this one definitely most suits my needs. I really like Michelin's guides because they're so comprehensive and filled with little tidbits of info for travelers that I haven't found in any other series.
I was looking for - ahem - charming places to stay mostly in the countryside under 50 euros a night, and was surprised that this book was full of them, many off the beaten path. Two best features: great maps for each region numbering the location of all reviewed places to stay so you can pretty much find exactly where they're located and detailed descriptions listing seasonality, inclusion of meals, websites, price, proximity to sites, etc.
Good buy if you're interested in staying in a small guesthouse, B&B or hotel in urban or rural Fr.

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Charming Places To Stay - France 2006

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