
The Last Days of the Hudson Hotel Review

The Last Days of the Hudson Hotel
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Bill Gleeson's poignant stories about the men and women living around Hudson Hotel in New Jersey are among the best short stories I have ever read. Bill Gleeson clearly follows in the finest tradition of great Irish writers carefully detailing the blood, sweat and tears of the common man's struggle to find dignity and meaning in a difficult and confusing world. The multi-layered stories are beautifully written in rich language that captures the sorrow and pain of struggle. God bless the spirit of the common man and hand of Bill Gleeson.

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Wherever you live or work, you cannot help but identify with this heartfelt short story collection which eloquently chronicles the work-a-day lives of a hotel full of characters, bell-hops, bartenders, line cooks, and waitresses as they try to make sense of the world that surrounds them. Mr. Gleeson thoughtfully recreates the scenes, sounds, and emotions of hotel life exploring the fractured lives of immigrant families and first generation Americans as they struggle through their personal journeys of faith. In stories that visit such nations as Ireland, Puerto Rico, and Colombia without ever leaving New Jersey, The Last Days of the Hudson Hotel speaks to anyone who has ever felt displaced, revealing a writer of astonishing sensitivity and depth.

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