
Lake of Fire (Yellowstone series) Review

Lake of Fire (Yellowstone series)
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In 1900 Chicago heiress Laura Fielding travels by stagecoach to meet her father at the Lake Hotel near Yellowstone. However, robbers stop her coach, but a cowboy Cord Sutton saves her life. He safely guides her to her destination, which he assumes is her place of employment as he believes she is a maid at the Lake Hotel.
During the three day trek, strong feelings grow between them. However, In Yellowstone, he finds out how wealthy she is as the heiress daughter of a rival bidder for ownership of the Lake Hotel; and she learns who he really is. Still neither Laura nor Cord can stop from falling in love with one another. However, his being twenty-five percent Nez Perce makes him unsuitable for her almost as much as his being her father's business competitor and his Indian heritage makes him a target of the law forcing him to flee before twisted justice occurs.
Readers will enjoy this Americana romance that brings to life the business expansion across the western states. Fans will feel they are in Wyoming in 1900 as Linda Jacobs paints a vivid picture of the stagecoach trek and the town of Yellowstone at a time when the country celebrated the start of a new century. The star-crossed romance augments the historical elements of the well written engaging LAKE OF FIRE.
Harriet Klausner

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Yellowstone National Park provides the setting for love and adventure as a young Indian attempts to hide his heritage and adopt the life of a businessman, while an heiress traveling from Chicago conceals her wealthy background. A twist of fate brings them together, and the revelation of both their secrets brings them even closer. Packed with excitement, the story follows the couple as they overcome jealousy and violence while fighting to survive in the wilderness.

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