
The Space Hotel (Tom Swift Young Inventor) Review

The Space Hotel (Tom Swift Young Inventor)
Average Reviews:

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The writing is for kids, but the new series is a nice update. My 9yo son love the new over the old. I still like the writing in the older series.
Would recommend. Not expensive, OK soft cover.

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What Tom's about to find is truly out of this world!It's the grand opening of APOGEE, the world's first space hotel, an orbital space station designed expressly for the tourist trade. As Swift Enterprises is a major investor in the project, and provided much of the necessary technology, Tom and Sandy have been invited to be among the first guests to visit!When they arrive at the APOGEE they experience weightlessness, learn about the high-tech nature of the hotel (including the robotic wait and cleaning staff), and play a game of zero-gravity badminton. But as Tom explores the ship he begins to notice some strange happenings. And when a billionaire guest of the hotel turns up missing,Tom suspects foul play....--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

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