
Death with Reservations (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery Series) Review

Death with Reservations (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery Series)
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I have read all the Pennyfoot Hotel mysteries having stumbled across them in the library. They are delightful - like a good cream cake and hot cup of tea in the local tea shoppe. Ms. Kingsbury depicts her characters in such a way as to make the reader truly care or revile them - my favorite to revile being the Vicar, who is hopeless. The local constabulary is also without lightbulbs. I hope to see Cecily & Baxter marry eventually. And I hope to see that poor maid with the twins go to Scotland and finally find some happiness. I reccommend these books highly!

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The doctor claims food poisoning killed Pennyfoot guest Lord Sittingdon. But Cecily finds this hard to believe. Now she'll have to do some investigating of her own--before murder becomes the daily special.

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