
Hotel Planning and Design Review

Hotel Planning and Design
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This is a great book for studying the better designs of hotel-
based centers and campuses intended as convention and other
"purpose" destination centers...How a good hotel provides for
its guests, and fits in with the local community is pointed out
for both the hotel-fan and the lodging planner who may wish the
guests/atendees to enjoy essential shopping also...
Whether carefully fitted into a busy city, or spreading out on
available 'resort'-like sites, the hotels described in this book
present a broad variety of inviting places for business and fun.
My interest in the subject was to look for good examples of ho-
tels which could function as both the legislature for emerging
countries--and nice living/office suites onsite! This is great
for a general assembly which wants its members from 'out of
town' to dwell within easy walking distance from the main
meeting hall, their offices, and other necessary in-session
amemities. Good onsite secutiry is possible too and visitors
can look through studio windows while wearing [interpretive]
While originally intended for architects and site planners,
this book is a nice briefcase-friendly text for hospitality
fans also!

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