
Annika At Wilderness Hotel: The Finnish Spies Review

Annika At Wilderness Hotel: The Finnish Spies
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This story caught my interest because I was so fascinated with the charactors in the book. If I think about it, I am alot like Annika because we both like adventures, except of course I can't see peoples auras. I wish I could though.
All preteen girls should read this book because it caught my interest and will probably catch yours.

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This is the first in the series about a Swedish girl whoimmigrates to America in 1882. Annika lives at Wilderness Hotel by ahuge lake on the Minnesota/Canadian border, in a place namedSettlement. She is small and very dark, much unlike her tall blondparents. The people of Settlement stare at her sometimes, and thismakes her uneasy, but Annika isn't unduly concerned about this becauseshe is loved very much by her Swedish Pappa and Momma, and besides,she has many good friends. But Annika keeps her secrets. She hasspecial powers and tells no one about them. She experiencesforetelling . . . that is the knowing what is going to happen inadvance of it happening. And she sees what she calls the "colors" ofpeople . . . we know of this as auras. Annika enjoys her powers. Sheused them to her advantage when getting to know new people. Her powersbecome more potent as she pays closer attention to them, trusts them,and she often uses them to guide her. Annika's family has begun awonderful new life. But all is not well in America. The past knows noborders. It follows Annika's Pappa across the sea from Sweden toAmerica. Then it falls to the "Little Black Haired General" to saveher family and the people of Settlement from evil forces that woulddestroy them all.

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