
Her Summer Lover (Hotel Marchand) Review

Her Summer Lover (Hotel Marchand)
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With the death of her grandmother Maude, as the heir Sophie Clarkson takes a leave of absence from her hotel job to return to her hometown Indigo, Louisiana to settle the estate that includes an antique store. Upon coming home, Sophie reflects on summers she spent in Indigo with her Nanan Maude at La Petit Maison but especially one summer with Alain Boudreaux, now the police chief who found her grandma slumped over the kitchen table dead apparently from a stroke.
When Sophie and Alain see one another for the first time in years, both instantly realize the spark remains between them. However, she did not come home to begin a relationship having one failed marriage already. He opposes even a short tryst as he is in the midst of new trouble with his ex wife Casey Jo who years ago accused him and Sophie of adultery; so he wants nothing to cause a scandal that could hurt his son; beside which he distrusts women to stay as Casey Jo cut and ran.
Though the connection to the Hotel Marchand series seems as nebulous as connecting Hussein to Bin Laden, HER SUMMER LOVER is a fun second chance at love romance. The lead pair is a likable duo who had a great summer interlude just after high school but now have a chance for permanency if they can overcome their failed respective relationships. However, the lighthearted romp is owned by the eccentric support cast, especially his zany mother and mother-in-law, who will remind readers of the late 1960s TV show the Mothers-In-Law starring Eve Arden and Kay Ballard. Though fans of HM will be disappointed at the lack of linkage, Marisa Carroll provides a warm Bayou romance.
Harriet Klausner

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Sophie Clarkson loved visiting her godmother in Louisiana's bayou country, and her most cherished memory is the enchanted summer she fell in love with Alain Boudreaux. Those hot days and steamy nights are nowhere in evidence when she returns for her godmother's funeral, yet the magic of Alain is definitely still alive.Alain, who is now chief of police and a divorced father of two, had once convinced Sophie there could be no future for a big-city girl and a Cajun boy. But as Sophie starts to fall in love all over again with both Alain and the little town of Indigo, she realizes this is her chance to prove just how wrong he was all those years ago.

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