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(More customer reviews)There are 3 bands that I always wanted to love when I was growing up: The Strokes, No Knife, and Alkaline Trio. All three bands had something unique that I really enjoyed, but they all left me wanting something more.
The Strokes I loved for their guitar play. It was unique and different, something I hadn't truly experienced before. But they took some creative directions that I grew bored of quickly (overuse of vocal distortion comes to mind), and I never really fell in love with their music. I wanted to love them so bad, but it was just little things that bothered me about their style that I couldn't totally get lost in.
No Knife I loved for their sheer technical genius. While it was difficult to follow sometimes, I appreciated what they musically explored. However, almost all their songs would take a route that I just couldn't quite get in to. They would start out a certain way, really catch me, then totally take a turn and ruin it. I could appreciate their music, but that was as far as it went.
Alkaline Trio is one of my guilty pleasure bands I love to listen to. Simple, catchy, and sing-out-loud-in-your-car sort of songs that are just fun. Their songs would start and end the same way, not many surprises, and were easy to let yourself go with. But I always wished they took a more mature route with some of their music. They have always been a talented group, and I always wished they explored some of their songs a little more.
Enter The Burning Hotels. Simply put; they are the band I've always wanted. Their music is a throw-back to my early years, with a mature, grown-up sound that always surprises me, and never leaves me lost. They have a technical style that is so beyond any of the other pop-rock bands, yet maintain that sing-out-loud sort of style that I can't wait to listen to every time I get in my car. Every time I listen to one of their songs, I get completely nostalgic. Their songs often start one way, and end another, but it all totally fits. Listening to a sample, you would miss some of the amazing surprises they put into each song.
I can not recommend this band enough. I haven't been this excited about music in a long time. Some people will say they are a rip-off of other bands or don't have their own style yet, but I completely disagree. They may have taken cues from other bands, but The Burning Hotels are one of the only bands I've heard in a long time that got it right from start to finish. Every single song on this cd is awesome.
As a side note, if you want a good overall example of their music, download "Silhouette" and see if you like it. It starts off sort of generic then totally changes and becomes this whole new song. Also, "One to Five" and "Where's My Girl" are some personal favorites as well.
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