
The Legacy: Hotel Marchand, Book 12 Review

The Legacy: Hotel Marchand, Book 12
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Photographer Paul Clermont learns he inherited a dinosaur from his late Uncle Neil in Indio, Louisiana. His plan is to sell the dilapidated opera house as fast as he can even if it means making little money on the property. Still he goes to see the place and is further depressed by what he finds as this a more than just a fixer-upper as the decrepit place that is his "family legacy" reminds him figuratively and literally of Great Expectations.
Residents like funeral director Marjolaine Savoy have plans to restore the Indigo Opera House to its former glory as part of the Bayou's Cajon heritage. Paul cannot understand Marjolaine's passion for the project as he sees the place as heap of junk. However, he is extremely passionate when it comes to making love with Marjolaine. As they fall in love, he is the wanderer with no roots while she is entrenched in the Bayou; leaving no room for compromise.
The lead pairing is a wonderful coupling as they slowly change from enemy combatants to beloved enemies with their wider than the Mississippi gap on what to do about the opera house. The story line is fun to follow as the skeptical outsider and the local spitfire go at it. Though the link back to Hotel Marchand is tentative at best, THE LEGACY is a fine finish to the Louisiana mini series.
Harriet Klausner

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