
The Ice Hotel Review

The Ice Hotel
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I couldn't put the book down early on. The story is full of wonderful details about a place I will probably never visit; the suspense is palpable. I finished the book lying on the beach under the sun in Mexico and could feel the Arctic winds. MC Foley really brings you into another world; fascinating!

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A family, reeling from their eldest son's death, escapes to the Ice Hotel, where an age-old, arctic magic connects this world to the next...To twin siblings Izzie and Poe McGarity, big brother Rossa is not just the eldest of three children.He is a hero, a leader, a king.Or rather... he was a king.Before his mistake.Before he died.Haunted by visions of Rossa wherever they turn, the twins and their parents accept an invitation to the legendary Ice Hotel, an enormous structure built entirely from snow and ice, thousands of miles to the north, in the Arctic Circle.What the grief-stricken McGaritys don't know, is that the Ice Hotel will not only bring them face to face with frigid Arctic winds, powerful huskies built of fur and frost, magnetic fields, fluxes and levitation, mercenary Hunters, and a storm thundering towards the polar cap with the force of the cosmos itself; but also, it will bring them closer than they could ever imagine, to Rossa's last, greatest, and most impossible wish.

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