
Horror hotel (Plot-your-own horror stories) Review

Horror hotel (Plot-your-own horror stories)
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I've have "Horror Hotel" which is #4 in the "Plot-Your-Own Horror" series since I was a child in the 80's. I loved it then and I've read it again as an adult. Surprisingly, I still find it fairly compelling and entertaining. In contrast, many of my other childhood favorites don't hold up due to poor writing.
It's a "choose-your-own-adventure" where the reader repeatedly makes choices to determine the outcome of the story. The book *is* pretty scary and sticks with you, but that's a good thing. The few illustrations are also fantastic and fit the dark mood superbly.
I'm in the process of getting the other 5 from the series now.
Highly recommended!

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Trapped in a historic hotel high on a cliff overlooking a river, the reader must make choices in order to remove himself from the horrors he finds there.

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