
Dream Sleeps: Castles and Palace Hotels of Europe Review

Dream Sleeps: Castles and Palace Hotels of Europe
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An intriguing book. I have already dreamt up enough vacations to last the rest of my life, and I've only had this book two days. The book has short, two or three page descriptions of 132 hotels. Most of them are based on old castles or palaces, though there are a couple based on convents, and at least one is an old royal hospital. They are all appropriate for the book. There is usually an exterior photo and an interior photo, and good information on the history of the place, both as a castle (or whatever) and how it came to be a hotel. There is fairly detailed information on accommodations, including comments on virtues and vices of specific rooms in some of the hotels (at least one specific room is listed as allegedly haunted). I could wish for a bit more detail in some cases, but that is probably unrealistic.
I hadn't planned to go to Europe in 2001, but now may have to change my plans....

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