
By Blood and Fire: Attack on the King David Hotel Review

By Blood and Fire: Attack on the King David Hotel
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Today we often hear snippets in the media such as "Israel is the real terrorist". THese quotes are anti-semetic and sensationalistic in nature since we all know that only one Jewish act of terror has taken place in the last ten years(Mr. Baruch Goldstien). yet during the struggle for independence Jewish Terror organizations romed Palistine striking fear into the hearts of arab fascists and British administrators.
On July 22nd, 1946 an explosion rocked Palistines best hotel, the King David, killing 91 people. It was the most profound act of terror during the British madnate. this bloody incident helped convince the British of the hopelessness of palistine and helped strengthen Jewish resolve.
This is the riveting, page turning, story of the Jewish underground organizations who struck back, first at the Arabs in revenge and then at the British to achieve independence. This book details essential characters like Manachem Begin and Ezer Wiezman as well as telling other terror stories like the assasination of Lord Moyne.
A wonderful book that illuminates Palistine in the mandate period and shows us varied characters from Arab princes to British officers.

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