
Stilwell's Ireland Bed & Breakfast 2002 Review

Stilwell's Ireland Bed and Breakfast 2002
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This B&B Guide for accommodations in Ireland is chock full of useful information! Lots of listings, and many have e-mail &/or website addresses so you can plan ahead via computer. Phone numbers are provided for direct contact. I used this book for a trip to Ireland and was able to book great accommodations based on the info provided. The listings are catagorized by county, and maps are provided, so you can choose accommodations along your intended route. Listings are complete with info on rooms, baths, amenities and when the B&B is open. Lots of pictures! This is an essential reference guide if you are planning a trip to Ireland and wish to stay in B&B's!

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The most complete and exhaustive value-selected listings of bed & breakfasts and other intimate lodgings throughout England, Scotland and Ireland.Each title -- containing three times the choices found in any other guide -- is filled with practical information and thoroughly mapped and indexed.Stilwell's guides are the books the B&Bs themselves recommend.Rural farms, town houses, rambling cottages, country inns, guest houses and small hotels in quaint towns and villages are all listed, offering a perfectly authentic British stay.Stilwell's Ireland Bed & Breakfast 2002lists over 1400 B&Bs where the average price is $18 to $40 per person per night.

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