
The Indian Menu Planner Review

The Indian Menu Planner
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Dishes prepared according to these recipes are great. The lay-out of the book is very clever: three fold-out sections, each spiral bound at the top, so you can view three recipes at once (tandoori, curry, and vegetarian).
This book could be better, however. My complaints:
(i) The ingredients are listed in alphabetical order, rather than order of use.
(ii) Measures are presented inconsistently. Sometimes both European (weight) and American (volume) measures are given, but sometimes only the European measures are provided. Americans without a good gram scale will not be able to prepare some of these recipes.
(iii) The photographs do not resemble the dishes prepared according to the recipe. Some license is expected in photographs of food, but these border on fakery.

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Twelve celebrated chefs from Welcome Group Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi, bring you an array of traditional Indian recipes and delicacies from the subcontinent's cuisine. These chefs have not only simplified and adapted the old recipes to modern times but also generated new ones. The Indian Menu Planner is divided into three sections such as Tandoor and Dry Dishes, Curries and Simmering Pot and Vegetarian Dishes and Desserts. This book is innovatively packaged in a unique triple-section button pack.

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