
Sandra Gustafson's Cheap Eats in London Review

Sandra Gustafson's Cheap Eats in London
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Don't be misled by the title. This book lists restaurants from cheap fish and chips to steaks. She has reviewed affordable eating places and includes fascinating stories about each one. Some of the places are just little shops but she also includes the popular Hard Rock Cafe. The book is well organized and categorized including lists by price range, lists by sections of London, lists by type of cuisine, and a convenient glossary of English food terms like "bangers and mash" which is sausage and mashed potatoes. There are even recommendations about tipping, British beer, and what to do in a traditional British pub.
My favorite places out of this book were The Fryer's Delight for fish and chips and Fortnum and Mason's for tea. So if you want to stay away from fast food joints and tourist traps this book will steer you towards excellent economical eating.

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Cheap means "good value," and savvy travelers know to turn to Sandra Gustafson for the lowdown on London's best deals in eats and sleeps. Completely revised, with new maps and more detailed neighborhood coverage, these trusted guides offer first-time and veteran visitors alike in-the-know tips on the best-priced places to eat and stay-each one revisited or discovered by Sandra for the new edition. Proven favorites in this best-selling series, Sandra's London guides are absolutely essential for anyone in search of a great deal.

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