
Michelin Red Guide 2004 Italia (Michelin Reg Guide Italia) Review

Michelin Red Guide 2004 Italia (Michelin Reg Guide Italia)
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The previous reviewer (who wrote that the Guide is not in English) apparently didn't understand that there is a key in the front of the book and also on a bookmark that explains all of the easily understood symbols with regard to credit cards, parking, elevator, air-conditioning, etc. This is essentially a catalogue of the best hotels and restaurants, along with locator maps. It's terrific. Also, look for the "black car" symbol. If you happen to be staying in a place with the black car symbol, just showing the Michelin Guide (must be for the current year) will get you one free night in the garage. That savings alone will probably be more than the cost of the book. If you feel like splurging, look at the maps in the front for the 1-, 2-, and 3-star restaurants and for the 4- and 5-peak hotels. If you want more modest places, they're listed too.

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A guide for all travellers and motorists providing detailed information on places to eat and stay in Italy. Also included are street plans of major towns and cities, practical tourist information and recommended places of interest.

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