
The Cafés of Paris: A Guide, Second Edition Review

The Cafés of Paris: A Guide, Second Edition
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The book, "Cafes of Paris," offers American tourists the cheapest and, I believe, the most entertaining and comfortable way to experience Paris, especially with the weak U.S. dollar. You can sit in a coffee shop for hours - reading and enjoying Paris street life - all for the price of a cup of coffee. Inexpensive lunches can be shared with friends in the cafe's casual atmosphere. The book is extremely well organized for the sight-seer; cafes are indexed by tourist attraction and arrondissement with the nearest metro stop and the price of a cup of coffee available at a glance. And if you aren't going to Paris, read the humorous anecdotes, descriptions of the decor, and the literary history of cafe life for a vicarious mini-vacation. Revised in 2000, prices have gone up but the richness of Paris cafe life will never be out of date.

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