
Soccer Circus Review

Soccer Circus
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Go Zappers go! The Zappers take a road trip in Soccer Circus to a big tournament. Before the big trip Hobie, a member of the team, wasn't paying attention while riding his bike and rode into wet cement. He was fined and yelled at, but was still allowed to attend the tournament. His Father told him he had to keep his nose clean or he would take away Hobie's bike.
On the way to the tournament the team finds they don't get very well as they thought. The boy's bother the girl's, the girl's whine, and Hobie just sits quietly playing tic-tac-toe.
They lost the first game, so they decided to go see a circus wedding. Somehow Hobie ends up on in a penguin costume riding on top of a car full of circus clowns.
I think this book would be good for children that love playing soccer between the ages of 10-12. It may not be interesting for kids younger or older. I enjoyed the book very much. It's a little hard to follow, but only in the beginning. This book is very well written and very enjoyable. I'm not giving away any more, you'll have to read it yourself.

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