
Math for Life and Food Service Review

Math for Life and Food Service
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This text is great. As a teacher of a culinary program, I had looked for a text that was appropriate for years. This book covers basics as well as the harder student topics such as food cost percent, balance sheets, and costing recipes. It is a great book, I give it a two thumbs up!

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Requiring a basic knowledge of arithmetic, this book familiarizes users with some of mathematical skills involved in the food service industry. It also focuses on the discipline and organization needed to achieve success using mathematics in everyday life. Chapter topics include a fractional, decimal, and algebra review; fractions and percents; interest: simple, compound, credit cards.; pie and bar graphs; checking accounts; price lists/requisitions/purchase orders/invoices; guest checks, tips, guestimation; pay checks, business income statement; converting; adding weights and measures; costing: menus, markups, food cost percent; recipes: yields, costing, converting; and bakers formulas. For individuals preparing for success in the food service industry—and life.

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