
The Elephant Hotel: Hedwig & The Tagebuch Review

The Elephant Hotel: Hedwig and The Tagebuch
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The Elephant Hotel: Hedwig & The Tagebuch
Marie Kobres Bone has written the most beautiful story about her mother Hedwig Louise Pfeil's early life. It is so well written, it just flows. It is truly a story for The Hallmark Hall of Fame.
It is 289 pages that are all exciting. It is the kind of book when you get to the end you don't want it to be over. It is just that good.
I say this as an advid reader and book lover; this book is equal to a Nicholas Spark novel. And if you read his books you know all were made into movies or TV series.
Marie Kobres Bone has made the characters come to life by her protrayal of each one. I just fell in love with Maria Louise Kinski when she upstaged Gertrude playing all the well loved German Folk Songs on the piano and I could just see the snooty mother Frau Smythe. And the scene where the swarthy Irishman Harry embarrasses poor young Bertha. I could just picture that good looking Irishman. And you gotta love Frank the bartender for his meddleson ways to get Richard and Hedwig together; the sneaky stepmother taking the ebony button box. I wonder if that button box is still in the family?
Hedwig Louise Pfeil was an amazing young woman and this book protrays her true life story. The story is taken from a Tagebuch (journal) kept by her mother Maria Lousie Kinski Pfeil.
I could go on and on all the characters were so vividly described, they jump right off the pages into your psyche.
This book called "The Elephant Hotel Hedwig and the Tagebuch" written by Marie Kobres Bone is a must read...

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