
OLIVIA and the Haunted Hotel Review

OLIVIA and the Haunted Hotel
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I'll just say up front that I think Olivia is totally cool, and I'm 32. I'm not the right market for these books, but there is something so sweet and quirky about Olivia that it's hard not to love her and read all her books.
I have enjoyed a few of these Olivia spinoff books, but this one might be my least favorite of the ones I have read so far. It was perfectly fine - nothing wrong with the story or illustrations, but nothing about the story captured my imagination or made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I think if you have a teeny tiny young one who is very easily spooked, you could probably work up a sufficiently spooky feeling with your voice and demeanor while reading aloud, but my five-year-old niece would not have been impressed by the scary bits (she likes scooby doo and spooky things).
And the moral of the story, the sharing and including people bits, didn't seem like those parts originated from Olivia or were really that believable or inclusive, so that didn't thrill me either.
It's fine, perfectly enjoyable, but if you are only buying a couple - get the one about dinner or the lemonade stand one. Those have much more of the charm of the original Olivia than does this one, which just feels phoned in.

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Olivia and her friends decide to play "hotel" in this story. Ian keeps insisting that the hotel is haunted, and everyone knows he's joking... but what if he's not? What if the hotel really is haunted? This funny, sweetly spooky story is based on an episode and sure to bring on chills and howls of laughter!

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