Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This is a very well done book and essential for the spanish speaker and the english speaker.
The practical work place phrases are there.
Managers can use them as training and learning tools for themselves and their employees.
This is not only for managers to learn the spanish phrases but also to help your spanish speaking employees continue on their path to english proficiency.
These phrases will stick in their minds much easier as they involve their work environment.
Buy it and use it.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Perfect Phrases In Spanish For The Hotel and Restaurant Industries: 500 + Essential Words and Phrases for Communicating with Spanish-Speakers (Perfect Phrases Series)
Speak with your Spanish-speaking employees--no prior knowledge of Spanish needed!
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for the Hotel and Restaurant Industries gives you more than 500 vital words and phrases specific to the hotel and restaurant fields, with translations spelled out phonetically so you can say what you need to say immediately.
For example:Knock before entering a room.Toque a la puerta antes de entrar en una habitación. (TOH-keh ah lah P'WEHR-tah ahn-tess deh en-TRAR en oo-nah ah-bee-tah-S'YOHN)
Set up thirty tables for eight people each.Ponga treinta mesas para ocho personas cada una. (POHNG-gah TRAYN-tah MEH-sahs pah-rah OH-choh pehr-SOH-nahs kah-thah OO-nah)
Beat the egg yolks. Bata las yemas. (BAH-tah lahs YEH-mahs)
Learn the Spanish words and phrases for: exchanging pleasantries • interviewing potential employees • discussing pay rate and taxes • giving instructions • terminating an employee • establishing work hours • explaining safety and emergency procedures • praising good work
With Perfect Phrases in Spanish for the Hotel and Restaurant Industries, you can overcome the language barrier and develop a more collaborative, productive workplace environment.
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