
A Hotel Is a Place ... Review

A Hotel Is a Place ...
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30-odd years on, this is still one of the funniest books I ever read. My family are all travel agents, and we all have a soft spot for travel-industry related humor. We all practically memorized this one. We would read it out loud to each other, passing it on when the reader couldn't get out another word because they were laughing so hard. I wish we still had our copy, but my sister lost it!
Loosely organized by subject, following the outline of a hotel stay, from trying to make a reservation, to trying to check in, the room, the bathroom, trying to order from room service... Just the subject of the hotel bathroom alone includes some of my very favorite bits: "SOB (Shelf on Brackets)," "The Wayward Schpritzer," "Sanitized For Your Protection" (these are my titles, I haven't seen the actual text in some 15 years, so this is from memory).
I've seen two of the very funniest bits from this book, "The Bath-Size Bar of Dial Soap Letters" and the immortal "Room Service Order" circulating as internet jokes / urban legends, claimed to be taken from true life incidents, and uncredited to Mr. Berman. Well, at least I know, and I can enjoy them all over again.

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