
The Summer of Moonlight Secrets Review

The Summer of Moonlight Secrets
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Unlikely friendships, secrets and intrigue converge one hot, lazy summer at The Meriwether, a famous antebellum hotel smack in the middle of Florida.
Allie Jo lives at the Meriwether because her parents manage the hotel. Chase is a guest while his father uses the hotel as a home-base for a series of travel articles about the Sunshine State. And Tara, a mysterious stranger, simply emerges from the water of Hope Springs one moonlit night. As the summer wears on and these three very different characters bond in friendship, Tara's secret is revealed. It's then that Allie Jo and Chase must figure out how to help Tara with a problem/situation that seems insurmountable.
The Summer of Moonlight Secrets is told in three unique voices. Author Danette Haworth has a knack for creating a strong sense of place with a setting that seems almost magical while still feeling within the reader's grasp. This middle grade novel is fresh and thoroughly enjoyable.
-- Reviewed by Michelle Delisle

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